Me, My FB page & Coaching

Hi, for those that do not know me, I am Joanna Kurylonska. I am a life coach based in Limerick. My purpose as a coach is to inspire people to make positive changes in their lives and to help them to live the life they desire.
The aim of BeMore FB page is to turn the readers attention to their own life and to reflect on it. The stuff that I am sharing here, are simple tips about how to make things work better. Tips that I think are worth trying out.
Becoming a life coach has been a fantastic life changing adventure for me. While becoming MORE ME, I can now enjoy life even more. I feel so grateful and privileged to be able to fall asleep and wake up with peace in my hart and in my mind. I also feel more satisfaction while fulfilling my roles as a mum, wife, daughter, cousin, friend… and I certainly enjoy having more of more satisfying relationships with people. I trust that life is a journey and that everybody can have a really good one.
For those that are unhappy at the moment, experience high levels of stress and worry. I would encourage you to do something about it. The first step is always to DECIDE TO MAKE A CHANGE. Specially if there is something that is bothering you and may have been there a long time. If you feel you can’t do it on your own. Talk to a friend. Look for help that appeals to you, there are loads of things out there. Loads of different approaches. I was drown to coaching and it helped me to IMPROVE my LIFE, but there are loads of other kind of helping professions out there. If you need a change, only YOU CAN DO something about it.
Dare to take the first step towards change.
All the best